Accountants admit to being rude on the phone

More than three quarters (77%) of accountants admit to bad phone etiquette

The profession ranked fifth on the list of those with the worst phone manners, according to research from telecommunications group 4Com.
Of the bad manners exhibited, the most common among accountants was regularly interrupting, with 17% admitting they’re guilty of this, while 11% said they put someone on speaker while distracted with another task.
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One in 10 admitted being guilty of eating or drinking while on the line, despite 60% of accountants saying this is the behaviour they detest the most.
Other phone behaviour that annoys accountants includes, having a conversation with someone else while on the phone (40%), being interrupted (39%), speaking to someone who is clearly distracted (28%) and being put on loudspeaker (24%).
Despite the professions’ phone faux pas, accountants were not as bad as medical professionals, of which 81% admitted bad manners on the phone, lawyers (82%), or people in media, public relations or marketing (85%).
The worse offenders, however, were those in human resources and recruitment, of which 87% admitted bad phone manners.
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